Stories Bring Us Closer
Dear Brothers and Sisters, When I woke up this morning I saw a new email from FamilySearch titled “Discover Your Faithful Ancestor”. Curious who that might be, I opened it and found that a 1 st Cousin Five Times Removed was in Nauvoo and traveled through Winter Quarters with the Saints. This may be a bit common-place for many of you, but for me it is exciting. When my mom, sister and I joined the church in 1962, we were the only LDS in our family. I believed we were 1 st generation LDS until about 4 years ago! Now I am discovering so many of my ancestors were among those faithful Saints who helped spread the gospel and fought for religious freedom in the early years of the Church. I love these stories and cannot wait to meet these family members. Stories bring us closer to those who are still living today and to those who have passed away, such as my newly discovered 1 st cousin, Orilla Crandall (1803-1852). When we add stories to F...