Our Christmas Family Tree


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

While roaming through social media this past week, I came across this post and thought it was a great visual of Christmas and our family trees.  I borrowed it from J. Paul Hawthorn. (Hope it is not too blurry to see) 

It got me to thinking about family history and our responsibility.  We are in a very busy season with all the seasonal activities, family gatherings and the stress that sometimes (maybe most often) goes along with this. When we have a moment to just sit and relax, if you are like Brother May and myself, we do just that – sit.  But what if we relaxed with our family history?

We have been told by our Prophet, Russell M. Nelson, that this is the time to be engaged in the gathering of Israel and he calls it “the most important work in the world”.  This gathering consists of missionary work, on both sides of the veil, and we can do it in many ways that fit our personalities, our schedules and our talents.  Some are gifted with the ability to share the gospel with everyone they meet, some are gifted with family history research, others have the gifts of being able to attend the temple regularly and be a proxy for the work.  Whatever our gifts, we are called to the work.

The General Handbook has many references to Family History and the Gathering of Israel.  Chapter 25 is dedicated to this work and guides us in the work by outlining our privilege and responsibilities.  You can access the General Handbook by going to ChurchofJesusChrist.org, then choose Library, next choose Handbooks and Callings, and General Handbook.

We have several conference talks addressing this great work as well.  And our current issue of the Liahona is filled with articles on this subject!  Check out page 3, pages 10-11, pages 12-15, pages 20-23, page 37, and the inside of the back cover.  President Nelson has taught, “Anytime we do anything that helps anyone – on either side of the veil – to make and keep their covenants with God, we are helping to gather Israel.”

In this busy season, how do we “fit it in”? Several ideas:

·         Take a moment when relaxing to read an article from the December issue of the Liahona or from the conference talks

·         Ask Heavenly Father what you can do today.  He knows your schedule.  He will help you “fit it in”

·         Act on the promptings of the Holy Ghost.  So many times we think we just don’t have time, but when we act on those promptings, time has a way of “becoming available”

·         Utilize the resources that are listed in part on the back inside cover of the December Liahona. Listen to the Spirit as He tells you how those resources can help you

·         Build your faith by study and prayer.  Brother Lovelock stated, “When we are fully immersed in the gospel we are helping with the gathering of Israel.”

·         Magnify your calling

·         Minister to your families – even a simple smile or wave may be just what they needed that day and it lifts our Spirits in the process

·         Teach your children and grandchildren about Jesus Christ and the meaning of Christmas.  This doesn’t have to  be a formal lesson – it could be a simple sentence or two - taking advantage of a moment together.

These are just a few ideas to help get you started.  As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, let us remember our covenants and responsibility to help with the gathering of Israel.

President Nelson has asked us to ponder these thoughts:

1.        The Restoration is a process not an event and will continue until the Lord comes again.

2.       The ultimate objective of the gathering of Israel is to bring the blessings of the Temple to God’s faithful children.

3.       As we seek how to accomplish that objective more effectively, the Lord reveals more insights.

Look again at the tree above.  How are you doing on filling in your family tree?  Can you add names, dates, stories, photos, family members to your tree?  Does your schedule allow you to do some research, call a family member for a story or two, share a story from your family with other family members, attend the Temple and serve as a proxy, go to the cemetery and clean a family member’s grave?

Brother May and I wish you a peaceful Family History Christmas as we all serve our Savior, Jesus Christ, and do our part in gathering Israel.  Let us know if we can help you!  Brother and Sister May


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