Our Daily Experiences
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We have been taught that this life is a journey, a test, and
the way for us to use our God-given strengths and talents to become more like
our Savior. We are here on earth to
learn, to experience adversity and up-lifting times, and to grow towards our
eternal potential. As we do this, we are
writing the story of our mortal life.
Are we recording that story?
In a past post, we encouraged you to add stories to your FamilySearch
pages. One of the pages you add to
should be your own. When thinking of
what to write, most people think of special news-worthy events, spiritual
experiences and funny anecdotes. We tend
to forget the daily activities and struggles.
However, our posterity will be just as interested in those stories as
they are in the “note-worthy” ones.
Our ancestors may have lived through the pandemic of 1918 or
experienced one of more of the World Wars.
Do we have their stories? Do we
know how they felt, what they experienced, how they got through on a daily
basis? When we read those stories we are drawn closer to them and can
experience what they experienced in a small way.
Today is no different. We are living in unprecedented
times. We are experiencing severe
draught, wild fires that fill our skies with smoke, and the COVID 19
Pandemic. Our posterity will be just as
interested in how we coped with these events as we are in knowing how our
ancestors managed during their times of trial.
As we record the events of our life, imagine our posterity
living in 2121. What would they like to
know about how you managed during the draught?
Did you have to reduce your water usage and, if so, how did you do
it? Did you have to use the water
storage you built up as you followed the counsel of the Church leaders? And how did you manage during the smoky days
of wild fires? Did they affect your
breathing, your daily activities, your plans for the long summer days? What about the pandemic? Did you wear a mask all the time? If so, did you use the paper disposable ones
or have fun fabric ones that you made and washed after each use? (Just a fun side note – my son, who does not
drink coffee, installed a mug rack on his wall and instead of hanging coffee mugs
on it, his family hangs their freshly washed masks so they are close at hand
when needed.) What symptoms did you
experience if you contracted COVID? How
did you quarantine? What blessings have you and your family experienced while
you have grown through your challenges? Our
posterity will be interested in knowing all of this!
The challenges of our ancestors were different than the
challenges of our day. And the challenges of our posterity will be different
still. All stories, no matter how
common-place they may seem at the time, will be wonderful to read by those who
come after us. Please remember to include
your stories on your FamilySearch page.
Even though Brother May is experiencing COVID at this time,
we are still available by phone. Let us know if we can help you! Have a wonderful week and a peaceful
Sunday! Brother and Sister May
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