Pioneer Day is Coming
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
It has been awhile since we last posted on the blog but
wanted to catch up a bit. Pioneer Day is
coming in two weeks and as we prepare to celebrate this holiday our hearts are
turned to those who suffered so much in the face of adversity as they sought
the right to practice Freedom of Religion.
We sometimes take that freedom for granted.
As I have been researching my pioneer ancestors (see blog
from May on the Palmer family), I have come to more fully appreciate the
freedom we enjoy. As I mentioned before,
my ancestors were victims of the extermination order and the massacre at Haun’s
Mill. They were forced to flee their
homes and the security of being near the Prophet for guidance and
assurance. They lost most, if not all,
of their material possessions – both those of sentimental value and those that
provided the necessities of life. They
faced the harsh elements as they crossed the country and lost loved ones along
the way – just to find a place to call home.
When they found it, many were asked to continue on the road to settle
other areas as well – my ancestors included.
They settled in what is now the southern part of Utah. How I love and admire their faith and their perseverance
– their example of all things good and pure.
Their quest for religious freedom.
Many countries do not have the freedoms we have. We have just celebrated the 4th of
July and the “birth” of this great nation,
On the 24th we will celebrate those who showed us that even
though we live in a perfectly founded country, we still have to fight for the
freedoms we desire.
Each of us is a pioneer.
Some are the first members of the Church in their families, some have
left families to settle in new areas, some are forging new paths that have
obstacles and “rocks” in the way, some are battling diseases and illnesses. None of us have crossed this path of life
before and as we make our way through to the eventual goal of Eternal Life, we
are pioneering. As we celebrate Pioneer Day
this year, let us remember those who have passed on before us …… but let us
also remember those of us who are pioneers today.
May you enjoy searching out the pioneers in your family tree
– both those who have passed on before us and those who are still here on earth
with us. Let us know if we can help in
your search!
Happy Family Searching!
Brother and Sister May
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